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Updated VMware 5V0-23.20 Dumps - Great Study Materials For 5V0-23.20 Exam Pass

Dec 01,2022

As one hottest VMware certification exam, 5V0-23.20 VMware vSphere with Tanzu Specialist exam is online for helping IT students and professionals prove themselves. The VMware vSphere with Tanzu Specialist 5V0-23.20 exam demands a significant amount of effort and time. No doubt the VMware 5V0-23.20 exam will return you a good reward in the form of high demands for skills and knowledge. However, passing VMware certification 5V0-23.20 exam is not an easy task. So more and more candidates choose to search the valid study materials on the Internet. To all, the most updated VMware 5V0-23.20 dumps of Killtest have been completed recently, which could be the great study materials for VMware vSphere with Tanzu Specialist exam pass. With the VMware vSphere with Tanzu Specialist 5V0-23.20 exam questions, you can move ahead at a fast pace and achieve your career objectives in a short time period. 

Updated VMware 5V0-23.20 Dumps

VMware vSphere with Tanzu Specialist 5V0-23.20 Exam Details

VMware vSphere with Tanzu Specialist 5V0-23.20 exam validates your knowledge about how vSphere with Tanzu can be used to orchestrate the delivery of Kubernetes clusters and containerized applications in a vSphere environment as well as their knowledge of deploying and managing VMware vSphere with Tanzu. It is the requirement of VMware Certified Specialist - vSphere with Tanzu 2022 certification. 

How to achieve the VMware Certified Specialist - vSphere with Tanzu 2022 certification?

The VMware Certified Specialist - vSphere with Tanzu 2022 certification holders know about how vSphere with Tanzu can be used to orchestrate the delivery of Kubernetes clusters and containerized applications in a vSphere environment. They can possess extensive knowledge on deploying and managing VMware vSphere with Tanzu. Currently, there are two ways to achieve this certification.

Path 1: If you hold a VCP-DCV 2020, 2021 or 2022, you need to attend one required training course, then pass the VMware vSphere with Tanzu Specialist 5V0-23.20 exam successfully. 

Path 2: If you hold a VCS-VT 2020 or 2021, just attend one required traning course. 

If you need to pass the 5V0-23.20 exam to earn the VMware Certified Specialist - vSphere with Tanzu 2022 specialist badge, you need to answer 62 questions in 125 minutes. This exam is only available in English. When preparing, you must choose the updated VMware 5V0-23.20 exam dumps of Killtest to practice all those questions and answers before actual exam. The Killtest is one of the best platforms that offer top-notch and real VMware 5V0-23.20 dumps. These VMware vSphere with Tanzu Specialist 5V0-23.20 practice test questions are designed and verified by renowned VMware Specialist 5V0-23.20 exam trainers. So you can start VMware Specialist - vSphere with Tanzu 5V0-23.20 exam preparation with complete peace of mind and confidence. 

Check Updated VMware 5V0-23.20 Dumps By Reading Free Demo

VMware 5V0-23.20 dumps V9.02 is the current version. There are 62 practice exam questions and answers for reading. Comparing to the Killtest 5V0-23.20 study guide V8.02, the answers are more accurate because our experts and specialists have checked all these questions one by one, and we guarantee that with the latest VMware 5V0-23.20 exam dumps, you can pass the VMware vSphere with Tanzu Specialist exam on the first attempt.

Below are the VMware 5V0-23.20 free demo to help you check the updated VMware 5V0-23.20 dumps:

Kubernetes object types are going to be limited by an administrator within a vSphere with Tanzu namespace.

Which three Kubernetes object types may be limited? (Choose three.)

A. Number of Persistent Volume Claims

B. Number of Pods

C. Number of Operators

D. Number of DaemonSets

E. Number of Ingress frontends

F. Number of Load Balancer Services

Answer: A,B,D

Which object helps maintain copies of a vSphere pod?

A. ReplicaSets

B. Network Policies

C. Namespaces

D. Persistent Volume

Answer: A

A company needs to provide global visibility and consistent policy management across multiple Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters, namespaces, and clouds Which VMvare solution will meet these requirements'?

A. vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor Cluster

B. vCenter Server

C. Tanzu Mission Control

D. Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service

Answer: C

Which capability do persistent volumes provide to containerized applications?

A. Automated disk archival

B. Support for in-memory databases

C. Support for ephemeral workloads

D. Retention of application state and data

Answer: D

How is information found about all Kubernetes Persistent Volumes in a vSphere environment?

A. Navigating to the Cloud Native Storage view in vCenter Server

B. Using: kubectl get persistentvolumes

C. Accessing the FCD folder on a Datastore

D. Using: esxcli storage cloud native get

Answer: A

Why would developers choose to deploy an application as a vSphere Pod instead of a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster?

A. They need the application to run as privileged pods.

B. The application works with sensitive customer data, and they want strong resource and security isolation.

C. They want to have root level access to the control plane and worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.

D. The application requires a version of Kubernetes that is above the version running on the supervisor cluster.

Answer: B

On which network are TKG clusters deployed in vSphere with Tanzu when using the vSphere networking stack?

A. Workload

B. Backend

C. Edge

D. Frontend

Answer: A

What is the proper way to delete a Persistent Volume Claim?

A. By using the kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim command

B. By using the kubectl remove pvc command

C. Through the SPBM policy engine using the vSphere Client

D. By unmounting the volume from the VM and deleting it from the vSphere datastore

Answer: A

An organization is preparing to deploy vSphere with Tanzu and will be using the vSphere Networking stack.

How should the administrator allocate management network IP addresses for the Kubernetes Control Plane within the Supervisor Cluster?

A. Five IP addresses are required, one for each of the Control Plane VMs. one for the floating IP address of the Control Plane VM, and one spare for performing rolling cluster upgrades

B. Four f3 addresses are required, one for each of the Control Plane VMs and one spare for performing rolling cluster upgrades

C. Three P addresses are required, one for each of the Control Plane VMs

D. Six IP addresses are required, one for each of the Control Plane VMs, one for the floating IP address of the Control Plane VM. one for performing rolling cluster upgrades and one for the image Registry VM.

Answer: A

The Gold storage policy has been assigned to the Web namespace, and the DevOps engineer wants to place a persistent volume for the Web application in the Gold storage class.

How should this goal be accomplished?

A. Indicate the Gold storage class in the persistent volume claim specification

B. Assign the persistent volume to the Gold storage class

C. Indicate the Gold storage class in the persistent volume specification

D. Configure tag-based placement for the persistent volume

Answer: A

0 belongs to any of them

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5V0-23.20 Practice Exam Q&A: 124 Updated: February 21,2025

Releated Certifications

VMware Certified Specialist - vSphere with Tanzu 2022


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