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98-388 MTA Practice Exam - New MTA Certification Materials

Sep 24,2019

Are you one of the IT professionals who are preparing for Microsoft Technology Associate(MTA) certification? Most application developers working with Java 6 SE or later, secondary and immediate post-secondary level students of software development, or entry-level software developers can choose to pass 98-388 Introduction to Programming Using Java exam to complete MTA certification. To help you complete 98-388 MTA certification exam, we newly released 98-388 practice exam for your good preparation. Not only 98-388 MTA practice exam, we also have details for Microsoft MTA certifications.


New 98-388 MTA Practice Exam


New MTA Certification Exams Are Released(98-388&98-383)


On April 17, 2019, we have introduced Microsoft Technology Associate(MTA) certification in article "New MTA Mobility and Device Fundamentals 98-368 Practice Exam 2019". In this article, we mentioned that Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification is an entry-level credential that validates fundamental technology skills and knowledge among students and job-seekers who are pursuing a career in technology. You need to take the corresponding exam to get your MTA certifications. In the article, we also introduced the main MTA certification exams:

MTA Required Exams

However, when searching for MTA certification exams, we noticed that some new MTA certification exams are released. Currently, there are 12 exams for MTA certifications:

98-349 Windows Operating System Fundamentals

98-361 Software Development Fundamentals

98-364 Database Fundamentals

98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals

98-366 Networking Fundamentals

98-367 Security Fundamentals

98-368 Mobility and Devices Fundamentals

98-375 HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals

98-381 Introduction to Programming Using Python

98-382 Introduction to Programming Using JavaScript

98-383 Introduction to Programming Using HTML and CSS

98-388 Introduction to Programming Using Java


Among all these MTA certification exams, 98-383 and 98-388 exams are the new subjects. Killtest not only newly released 98-388 practice exam for your good preparation, but also has new 98-383 practice test for your Introduction to Programming Using HTML and CSS exam. 


Introduction to Programming Using Java 98-388 Exam


Introduction to Programming Using Java 98-388 Exam is aimed at IT professionals, developers and information workers with working with Java 6 SE or later, secondary and immediate post-secondary level students of software development, or entry-level software developers. More, candidates should have at least 150 hours or instruction or hands-on experience with Java, are familiar with its features and capabilities, and understand how to write, debug and maintain well-formed, well documented Java code.


To prepare for 98-388 Introduction to Programming Using Java exam well, you need to master the measure skills as below:

Understand Java fundamentals (15-20%)

Work with data types, variables, and expressions (40-45%)

Implement flow control (15-20%)

Perform object-oriented programming (10-15%)

Compile and debug code (5-10%)


New 98-388 MTA Practice Exam - Killtest New MTA Materials


The best way to prepare for Microsoft MTA 98-388 Introduction to Programming Using Java exam is to go with Killtest new 98-388 practice exam. As Killtest is one of the best sources to offer most up to date 98-388 MTA materials with 98-388 real questions and accurate answers. I assured you will get guaranteed success after getting valid Microsoft 98-388 practice exam from Killtest.


If you want to get instant and immediate success in 98-388 exam then Killtest is the only solution for passing. Killtest 98-388 practice exam which have been made by the Microsoft experts, are purely made for the professionals who are determined to pass 98-388 exam at first attempt. Moreover, they also give you the 98-388 practice test, that helps you in self-assessment. 


New 98-388 MTA Practice Exam gives you the real exam interface which is highly helpful for you in understanding the real exam scenario. Furthermore, you can adjust the time in taking 98-388 practice test. Killtest ensures that you can pass 98-388 Introduction to Programming Using Java exam in the first try.


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98-388 Practice Exam Q&A: 42 Updated: March 03,2025

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