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Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA Practice Questions | Killtest

Aug 13,2021

The latest Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA practice questions are available, which can guarantee you pass CKA test and earn Certified Kubernetes Administrator certification. CKA certification is designed to ensure that certification holders have the skills, knowledge, and competency to perform the responsibilities of Kubernetes Administrators. The CKA certification allows certified administrators to quickly establish their credibility and value in the job market, and also allowing companies to more quickly hire high-quality teams to support their growth.


Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA Practice Questions


Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA Exam

The online CKA exam consists of a set of performance-based items (problems) to be solved in a command line. Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA exam consists of 15-20 performance-based tasks. Candidates have 2 hours to complete CKA test. Results will be emailed 24 hours from the time that the CKA exam is completed. The CKA exam is proctored remotely via streaming audio, video, and screen sharing feeds. You need to spend $375 in registering CKA exam, which includes one free retake.

CNCF CKA Exam Domains

List the details of CNCF CKA exam domains below. 

Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA exam domains

All the Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA practice questions can help you test all the above domains. Share some CNCF CKA exam demo questions and answers below.
Create a pod that echo "hello world" and then exists. Have the pod deleted automatically when it's completed.

Answer: kubectl run busybox --image=busybox -it --rm --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c 'echo hello world' kubectl get po # You shouldn't see pod with the name "busybox"

Create a pod with environment variables as var1=value1.Check the environment variable in pod.

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --env=var1=value1 # then kubectl exec -it nginx -- env
# or
kubectl exec -it nginx -- sh -c 'echo $var1' # or
kubectl describe po nginx | grep value1

List the nginx pod with custom columns POD_NAME and POD_STATUS

kubectl get po -o=custom-columns="POD_NAME:.metadata.name, POD_STATUS:.status.containerStatuses[].state"

Get IP address of the pod ? "nginx-dev"

Kubect1 get po -o wide Using JsonPath
kubect1 get pods -o=jsonpath='{range

0 belongs to any of them

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CKA Practice Exam Q&A: 67 Updated: February 17,2025

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