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HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 Exam Real H35-481_V2.0-ENU Practice Questions [2022]

Nov 08,2022

Get HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 certification successfully to improve your position and promotion now. Killtest, as the professional platform providing the latest study materials online, has complete the real H35-481_V2.0-ENU practice questions online to help you learn all the HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 exam questions and answers before actual exam. The experts with rich experience of 5G knowledge have collected 60 practice exam questions and answers, you can use the Killtest H35-481_V2.0-ENU practice questions as the learning materials to make sure that you can pass the Huawei HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 certification exam. 

Real H35-481_V2.0-ENU Practice Questions | Killtest

How many Huawei 5G exams are available currently?

HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 H35-481_V2.0-ENU exam is one of the Huawei 5G certification exams. The development of global 5G in network, deployment, ecology and experience is beyond imagination. Whether for individuals, families or every organization, 5G is creating unprecedented value. As 5G is poised to transform the way we live, connect, and work, the telecoms sector is deeply invested in creating more value beyond the consumer market. Huawei 5G certifications also become more and more popular. We know, all the 5G certifications can be divided into three levels, including the Associate (HCIA-5G), Professional (HCIP-5G) and Expert (HCIE-5G).

Associate (HCIA-5G)

There are five HCIA-5G certifications are available:


The Huawei HCIA-5G-Bearer certification help candidates demonstrate the understanding of 5G bearer requirements, and the mandatory knowledge about and skills in routing, MPLS, SR, ISIS, FlexE, clock, and active FO technologies related to 5G bearer networks, and the basic knowledge and skills required for positions such as pre-sales technical support, project management, and O&M for 5G bearer networks engineers. This certification requires to pass the H35-670 HCIA-5G-Bearer V1.0 certification exam successfully. 


The HCIA-5G-Core certification main demonstrates the network architecture and basic principles of the 5G core network, understand the basic knowledge of Huawei 5G core network products, master the basic knowledge of Huawei UNC/UDG/UDM/UPCF hardware and software, have the skills for positions on routine maintenance of Huawei 5G core network products and routine maintenance operations on the 5G Core network engineers. It requires to pass H35-650 HCIA-5G-Core V1.0 exam to earn this certification. 


Candidates need to register H35-660_V2.0 HCIA-5G V2.0 exam to earn the certification, then prove they have a systematic understanding and grasp of knowledge and skills in 5G development and evolution, 5G network architecture and key technologies, 5G new technology convergence and innovative applications, 5G basic service capabilities and applications, and 5G industry application solutions, and have the basic capabilities of 5G industry solution design and service marketing, which are required for positions such as industry solution engineer and pre-sales solution engineer.


HCIA-5G-RAN Version 3.0 (H35-480_V3.0) is available for this certification. It helps you prove that you have the capability of independently completing the commissioning and deployment of Huawei 5G radio networks, performing routine operations and onsite maintenance for Huawei 5G wireless base stations, and handling Huawei 5G radio network faults under the guidance of others.


HCIA-5G-RNP&RNO V2.0 is available now since the V1.0 was offline on September 10, 2022. It needs to register H35-580_V2.0 exam to prove the professionals have the capability to perform independently completing site survey, simple planning, testing, basic optimization, and performance monitoring for Huawei 5G radio networks.

Professional (HCIP-5G)

There HCIP-5G certifications are available now:


HCIP-5G-Core V1.0 H35-651 exam is the requirement of this certification. It proves that the successful candidates have the advanced knowledge of network architecture and basic principles of the 5G core network, understand the basic knowledge of Huawei 5G core network products, master the basic knowledge of Huawei UNC/UDG/UDM/UPCF/SPS hardware and software and 5G network deployment and O&M capabilities. Pay attention, it is recommended that you learn HCIA-5G-Core in advance.


Candidates for HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 certification must master the the basic knowledge about one type of mobile communication networks (2G/3G/4G), understand basic concepts of 5G networks. Then they need to pass H35-481_V2.0 exam successfully. The HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 proves that the candidates have the capability of independently completing parameter planning and configuration of Huawei 5G radio networks, performing routine radio network operations, and analyzing and handling network faults.


HCIP-5G-RNP&RNO V2.0 H35-581_V2.0 exam is available online, which help you prove that you have the capability to perform Huawei 5G radio network planning and cell parameter design, evaluating and applying network optimization features, managing radio network performance, analyzing and optimizing performance. 

Expert (HCIE-5G)

HCIE-5G-Radio certification, as the expert level certification of Huawei 5G, is available online. Earning this certification needs to have the prerequisites as below:

1. Have HCIP certificate or equivalent level of competence; 

2. Have general knowledge of 5G principles, Huawei 5G base station products, and common configuration operations; 

3. Know common features of Huawei 5G networks.

Then the candidates must pass the following two exams:

● H35-582_V1.5 HCIE-5G-Radio(Written) V1.5

● H35-585_V1.5 HCIE-5G-Radio(Lab) V1.5

HCIE-5G-Radio certification helps you prove that you have the capability to plan 5G networks, design and deploy 5G networks based on Huawei equipment solutions, handle complex network faults, and manage service experience and network performance.

How to prepare for the H35-481_V2.0 HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 exam sufficiently?

Let's back to the Killtest's H35-481_V2.0-ENU practice questions. All the questions and answers are available in English for helping you prepare for the HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 certification exam. You get the Huawei H35-481_V2.0-ENU exam practice exam questions using the help in the Huawei specialists and quickly organize your H35-481_V2.0-ENU exam preparation by utilizing Killtest pdf format and testing engine source. You are highly recommended to read all the real practice questions and answers in pdf format first, then test them one by one with the testing engine. It can make your H35-481_V2.0-ENU exam preparation sufficiently. H35-481_V2.0-ENU latest exam questions that are provided by Killtest will help you to clear your HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 exam with flying colors. You can always pass the HCIP-5G-RAN V2.0 certification exam on your first attempt without going through any trouble.

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H35-481_V2.0-ENU Practice Exam Q&A: 60 Updated: February 21,2025

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