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How to Earn Huawei HCPP-Storage Certification?

May 25,2021

Huawei HCPP-Storage Certification can prove that you have an in-depth understanding of Huawei storage products, meet customers' personalized requirements in this field, and are capable of designing storage products. If you are working in Huawei storage industry, you can earn HCPP-Storage certification to improve your ability. Please complete the following steps to earn Huawei HCPP-Storage certification.


How to Earn Huawei HCPP-Storage Certification?


1.Earn HCPA-Storage Certification

HCPA-Storage certification is intended for pre-sales of Huawei storage products and solutions. To earn Huawei HCPA-Storage certification, you need to pass H19-308 Huawei Certified Pre-sales Associate-Storage exam. You need to study the following knowledge: basic storage knowledge, basic features, advantages, and typical features of Huawei OceanStor Dorado, OceanStor V5, Distributed Storage and some other products and solutions to learn H19-308 exam. Killtest provides the latest Huawei H19-308 exam test questions for you to pass this H19-308 exam and earn HCPA-Storage certification.

Huawei H19-308 exam demo questions are available below. 

Which systems are included in the data center infrastructure?

A. Electrical system (high-voltage system)

B. Air conditioning system

C. Lighting system

D. Fire extinguishing system

E. Low-voltage system (communication cables such as network cables)

Answer: BE


What are the trends of future data centers?

A. Modular data center

B. Smart data center

C. Green data center

D. Cloud data center

Answer: BCD


What does a cloud data center provide?

A. IaaS

B. PaaS

C. GaaS

D. SaaS

Answer: ABCD


What are the phases of a data center lifecycle?

A. Design

B. Construction

C. Relocation

D. Operation

Answer: ABD


Which interfaces are supported by OceanStor V5 Kunpeng?

A. 32 Gbit/s FC

B. 25 GE

C. 40 GE

D. 100 GE

Answer: BCD

2. Took and Pass H19-338 HCPP-Storage Exam

HCPP-Storage certification is for Storage Product Managers. H19-338 exam is a required test for Huawei HCPP-Storage certification. Huawei H19-338 exam knowledge contents cover the following sections: technical architecture, key feature principles, and customer communication skills of Huawei's star storage products and solutions. HCPP-Storage H19-338 exam language is English. You need to spend $100 registering Huawei H19-338 exam. Huawei HCPP-Storage certification is valid in 2 years. Latest H19-338 exam questions are available at Killtest for you to prepare H19-338 exam. 

Share some Huawei H19-338 exam demo questions below. 

Which of the following are the three levels of SSD wear? (Multiple choice)
A. Mid-wear < 25%
B. Moderate wear: 50% <&&<85%
C. Severe wear > 85%
D. Mid wear < 50%
Answer: BCD

Which of the following are features of the entire Dorado V6 series? (Multiple choice)
A. Upgrades of 94% of components in user model within 1 second
B. I/O interruption time of controller failover within 1 second
C. Fixed length and variable length data deduplication
D. Intelligent DAE
Answer: ACD

Which of the following network architectures can Huawei provide in the DR solution in geo-redundant mode? (Multiple choice)
A. Serial
B. Parallel
C. Star
D. Delta Resync
Answer: ABC

Which of the following features make OceanStor capable of storing PACS data over a 15-year period? (Multiple choice)
A. Elastic scalability
B. Intelligent lifecycle management
C. Security and reliability
D. Simplified management
Answer: ABCD

What are the benefits of intelligent DAEs? (Multiple choice)
A. Improved storage performance
B. Accelerated data reconstruction
C. Reduced impact on services during data reconstruction
D. Reduced power consumption
Answer: ABC

3. Earn HCPP-Storage Certification

After you complete all the above two steps, you can earn Huawei HCPP-Storage certification easily. If you want to check more HCPA-Storage and HCPP-Storage exam demo questions, you can contact us via [email protected]

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H19-308 Practice Exam Q&A: 200 Updated: June 30,2015
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