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Huawei HCIA-Big Data H13-711 Real Exam Questions & Answers

Aug 15,2019

Do you want to pass H13-711 HCIA-Big Data exam easily? Please come to get Huawei HCIA-Big Data H13-711 Real Exam Questions & Answers for clearing Huawei H13-711 exam smoothly. We newly updated H13-711 exam questions on August 15, 2019, which will be the passport of H13-711 HCIA-Big Data Certification exam. You can straightforwardly pass your H13-711 exam effortlessly with Killtest helpful and 100% assurance consider H13-711 real exam questions and answers Killtest promise you to deliver a quality product, to our clients. Including Huawei HCIA-Big Data H13-711 Real Exam Questions & Answers, Killtest also suggests you know all the exam details of H13-711 HCIA-Big Data Certification exam.


Killtest H13-711 Real Exam Questions


Why get HCIA-Big Data Certification?


HCIA-Big Data is an associate level of Huawei Career certification, which is based on big data technologies with the focus on how to assess and certify basic technical principles and operation practices of common and essential big data components, as well as functions and features of the FusionInsight HD solution. Huawei HCIA-Big Data certification requires you answer H13-711 exam successfully. 


Earning HCIA-Big Data Certification Can Help You:

 Be familiar with typical application scenarios of big data;

● Master the technical principles and architectures of common and essential big data components;

● Know how to use Huawei FusionInsight HD to import and export massive volumes of data;

● Know how to perform basic operations on HDFS and on the HBase client and HBase tables;

● Know how to run common HQL statements on Hive.


More, enterprises with engineers who are HCIA-Big Data certified are competent in the use of the big data technology and capable of performing data processing using FusionInsight HD and open source Hadoop ecosystem, laying a solid foundation for developing big data application.


What is the overview of HCIA-Big Data H13-711 exam?


As the only required exam for HCIA-Big Data certification, Huawei H13-711 exam is available in English and Chinese. You need to answer H13-711 exam in 90 minutes. The passing score is 600 while the total score is 1000. With Killtest Huawei HCIA-Big Data H13-711 Real Exam Questions & Answers, your success will be easily. We guarantee that you can pass Huawei HCIA-Big Data H13-711 exam with high scores.


The HCIA-Big Data V2.0 exam covers: 

(1) Big data industry development trend and big data characteristics; 

(2) Architecture, functions, and success cases of Huawei FusionInsight HD solution; 

(3) Basic technical principles of common and essential big data components (including HDFS, HBase, Hive, Loader, MapReduce, Yarn, Spark, Flume, Kafka, ZooKeeper, and Streaming).


Huawei HCIA-Big Data H13-711 Real Exam Questions & Answers are collected by our experienced experts, who written all the real exam questions and answers based on the HCIA-Big Data exam topics. Order Huawei HCIA-Big Data H13-711 Real Exam Questions & Answers now and get high score in Huawei H13-711 exam with comfort.


How to get Killtest Huawei HCIA-Big Data H13-711 Real Exam Questions & Answers?


Use Killtest Huawei HCIA-Big Data H13-711 Real Exam Questions & Answers which emphasis more on the actual testing environment and allows you to focus on various sections of Huawei HCIA-Big Data exam. After you complete the payment of HCIA-Big Data H13-711 exam, Killtest delivers real H13-711 exam questions which give you detailed and logical coverage of Huawei exam pattern syllabus and provide you with the real exam environment as these products are built by IT examiners so you experience the real exam features in our products.


Killtest H13-711 real exam questions will be delivered in software format, you can prepare for HCIA-Big Data H13-711 exam well. Here, we have H13-711 free demo questions for checking:


Which of the following is the incorrect statement about the description of normal and external tables in Hive?

A. Create a normal table by default

B. The external table essentially associates the file path on the existing HDFS with the table.

C. Metadata and data are deleted at the same time when deleting a normal table

D. When deleting an external table, only the external table data is deleted without deleting the metadata.

Answer: D


Which of the following description of ZooKeeper feature is wrong?

A. Updates sent by the client are applied in the order in which they were sent.

B. A message is received by more than half of the servers and it can be successfully written to disk.

C. Message updates can only succeed or fail with no intermediate status.

D. The number of ZooKeeper nodes must be an odd number.

Answer: D


Regarding the comparison between Hive and traditional data warehouse, which of the following description is wrong?

A. Hive is based on HDFS storage. In theory, the amount of storage can be expanded indefinitely, while the traditional data warehouse storage capacity has an upper limit.

B. Because Hive is based on a big data platform, query efficiency is faster than traditional data warehouses.

C. Hive metadata storage is independent of data storage, which decouples metadata and data with high flexibility, while traditional data warehouse data has a single application and low flexibility.

D. Because Hive's data is stored in HDFS, it can guarantee high data tolerance and high reliability.

Answer: B


SparkStreaming has higher real-time performance than Storm.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B


In the Kafka cluster, what is the role of the Kafka server?

A. Producer

B. Consumer

C. ZooKeeper

D. Broker

Answer: D


Which of the following description about the reliability of the Fusionlnsight HD system is correct? (Multiple Choice)

A. There are no single points of failure for all components.

B. All management nodes HA.

C. Software and hardware health monitoring.

D. Network plane isolation.

Answer: ABCD


What processes are included in the HBase service of Fusionlnsight HD? (Multiple choice)

A. HMaster

B. Slave

C. HRegionServer

D. Data Node

Answer: AC


The description of HBase Region Split splitting process, which is wrong?

A. The split process does not really separate the files, just create a reference file.

B. In order to reduce the size of the data in the Region, Split splits a Region into two Regions.

C. The table will be suspended duringSplit.

D. The Region that was split during the split process will suspend the service.

Answer: C


After the Loader job is submitted to YARN in Fusionlnsight HD, the job cannot be stopped manually.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B


When using HBase for data read service in Fusionlnsight HD, you need to connect to HMaster.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

0 belongs to any of them

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