Pass HCIA-Intelligent Computing H13-211 Exam With Killtest New Materials
Intelligent Computing becomes more and more popular, it is successfully used in a lot of areas such as transportation, healthcare, home, performance and environmental monitoring. Correspondingly, there are more and more people want to become Intelligent Computing engineers and obtain the relative certification to prove themselves. Huawei Intelligent Computing certifications are highly recommended, and now, we have released new H13-211 exam materials to help you complete HCIA-Intelligent Computing certification exam. New H13-211 exam materials came on May 7, with 173 practice questions and answers to ensure that you can complete HCIA-Intelligent Computing V1.0 certification exam without any problems.
What is the correct certification path for completing Huawei Intelligent Computing certification?
You know, since Huawei upgraded its structure and categories, Huawei Certification now consists of three categories: ICT Infrastructure Certification, Platform and Service Certification, and ICT Vertical Certification, making it the only all-range technical certification program in the industry.
Huawei Intelligent Computing certification is one of ICT Infrastructure Certifications. It requires you to complete three levels for obtaining Huawei Intelligent Computing certification.
Associate HCIA: HCIA-Intelligent Computing
HCIA-Intelligent Computing proves that enable engineers with basic knowledge and skills in intelligent computing field, including computing industry basis, chip technology, computing system architecture and products etc. The associate level Intelligent Computing certification requires the candidates to pass H13-211 exam smoothly.
Professional HCIP: HCIP-Intelligent Computing
After you have completed HCIA-Intelligent Computing certification and have a basic understanding of IT technology and network knowledge, you can choose to complete HCIP-Intelligent Computing certification to be senior intelligent computing engineers. HCIP-Intelligent Computing holders can build the capability of managing and employing the intelligent computing products, including product planning and designing, installation and deployment, intelligent operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. H13-221 exam is the requirement of Professional HCIP Intelligent Computing certification.
Expert HCIE: HCIE-Intelligent Computing
Finally, you can come to complete HCIE-Intelligent Computing certification to prove that you:
● Have insights into intelligent computing ecosystem and knowledge about key technologies and applications
● Are able to perform the solution architecture design, deployment and system optimization of typical scenarios in intelligent computing field
● Are competent for intelligent computing pre-sales/after-sales technical support, intelligent computing solution application expert, data center server architect engineer and other positions
There are three exams are required to clear HCIE-Intelligent Computing certification as shown:
What are the main exam knowledge contents in real HCIA-Intelligent Computing H13-211 exam?
The current version of HCIA-Intelligent Computing certification is V1.0. It is avialable in English and Chinese. H13-211 HCIA-Intelligent Computing V1.0 Certification Exam needs to be completed in 90 minutes, and you must achive 600/1000 scores to pass.
When read the exam details and exam contents online, we will find that there are 5 sections in the exam knowledge contents:
● Brief History and Development Trend of the Computing Industry 10%
● Overview of the Computing System Architecture 20%
● Introduction to Computing Platform Products 30%
● Common Technologies and O&M of the Computing Platform 30%
● Industry Solution Cases 10%
Why should I choose Killtest new exam materials to pass H13-211 HCIA-Intelligent Computing exam?
Killtest H13-211 new exam materials are written to help you prepare for HCIA-Intelligent Computing exam well. We collected all the practice exam questions based on the H13-211 exam contents. You will highly recommended to read H13-211 free demo questions to find why should choose Killtest H13-211 exam materials?
The history of robots is not long. In 1959, the American Ingerber and Dvor made the first generation of industrial robots in the world, and the history of robots really began.
According to the development process of the robot, it is usually divided into three generations, they are respectively: (Multiple Choice)
A. Intelligent robot
B. Teaching reproducible robot
C. Robot with a sense
D. Thinking robot
Answer: ABC
What subject is artificial intelligence?
A. Mathematics and physiology
B. Psychology and physiology
C. Linguistics
D. Comprehensive cross-cutting and marginal disciplines
Answer: D
Description of artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence is a new technical science that studies, develops the theories, methods, and application systems for simulating, extending, and expanding human intelligence. It is one of the core research areas of machine learning.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
When was the first time to propose "artificial intelligence"?
A. 1946
B. 1960
C. 1916
D. 1956
Answer: D
Dark Blue "Human-Machine War" in May of 1997, the famous "Human-Machine War" defeated the world chess king Kasparov with a total score of 3.5 to 2.5. Is this computer called?
A. Dark Blue
B. Dark green
C. DeepThink
D. Blue sky
Answer: A
In which year did Huawei formally provide services as a cloud service, and cooperate with more partners to provide richer artificial intelligence practices?
A. 2002
B. 2013
C. 2015
D. 2017
Answer: D
The meaning of artificial intelligence was first proposed by a scientist in 1950, and at the same time proposed a test model of machine intelligence. Who is this scientist?
A. Minsky
B. Von Neumann
C. Turing
D. Zade
Answer: C
Which of the following does not belong to the artificial intelligence school?
A. Statisticalism
B. Behaviorism
C. Connectivism
D. Symbolism
Answer: A
Neural network research belongs to which of the following schools?
A. None
B. Behaviorism
C. Connectivism
D. Symbolism
Answer: C
What are the elements of artificial intelligence? (Multiple Choice)
A. Algorithm
B. Hashrate
C. Data
D. Scene
Answer: ABCD
1 belongs to any of them
May 22,2020Good content, but I checked the free H13-211 exam questions you shared, no one in the real exam. Please check if you have this real questions I met in my test: Software is a series of computer data and instructions organized in a specific order. Which of the following statements about software is wrong? Please check for me, I can not memorize the options, just question I shared.
9 hours agoThanks for your great reviews. Yes, H13-211 exam questions have been updated. The current version is V9.02 with 157 practice questions. Also, I have checked the question you shared, it is in the latest version. If you need, I can share more demo questions for checking.