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Updated IIA Certified Internal IIA-CIA-Part2 Training Material

Oct 15,2021

Certified Internal Auditor - Part 2, Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement IIA-CIA-Part2 training material has been updated, which contain 601 Q&As. Becoming a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) is the optimum way to communicate knowledge, skills, and competencies to effectively carry out professional responsibilities for any internal audit, anywhere in the world. IIA-CIA-Part2 exam covers the chief audit executive's responsibility for assessing residual risk and communicating risk acceptance. All of other IIA Certified Internal IIA-CIA-Part2 exam related information is also important in the preparation. 


Updated IIA Certified Internal IIA-CIA-Part2 Training Material


IIA Certified Internal IIA-CIA-Part2 Exam

IIA Certified Internal IIA-CIA-Part2 exam information can help you undertand the test well. IIA Certified Internal IIA-CIA-Part2 exam tests your knowledge, skills, and abilities particularly related to Performance Standards and current internal audit practices.?
Number of questoin: 100
Duration: 2 hours

IIA Certification IIA-CIA-Part2 Exam Domains

The CIA Exam Part 2 IIA-CIA-Part2 exam domains cover the following details. 
I. Managing the Internal Audit Activity (20%)?
II. Planning the Engagement (20%)?
III. Performing the Engagement (40%)
IV. Communicating Engagement Results and Monitoring Progress (20%)

All the new updated IIA Certified Internal IIA-CIA-Part2 exam training material is the best guides for you to test all the above domains. Share some CIA Exam Part2 IIA-CIA-Part2 exam training material below. 

According to MA guidance, which of the following factors should an internal auditor consider when assessing the likelihood of fraud risk1?
A. Past fraud allegations and actual occurrences
B. The potential and realized financial impacts
C. The effect on the organization's reputation
D. Any potential damage to the organization's relationship with customers.
Answer: A

The efficiency of internal audit operations is best enhanced if workpaper standards:
A. Require supervisors to initial and date each workpaper that they review.
B. Mandate the workpaper retention period.
C. Permit the extent of documentation to vary according to engagement objectives.
D. Allow access to workpapers by external parties if approved by senior management or the audit committee.
Answer: C

Which of the following best describes how an internal auditor would use a flowchart during engagement planning?
A. To prepare a sampling plan for the engagement
B. To plan for evaluating potential losses
C. To evaluate the design of controls
D. To prepare for testing the effectiveness of controls
Answer: C

Which of the following audit planning activities adds the least value in understanding the current risk exposures facing the corporation?
A. Consultation with senior management and the audit committee.
B. Review of the external auditor's risk assessment.
C. Review of corporate performance reporting and benchmarking.
D. Review of organizational strategic plans and operational plans.
Answer: C

Which of the following statements regarding the use of external contracted services by the chief audit executive (CAE) is false?
A. The audit report should not disclose the use of contracted services.
B. The CAE's responsibility is not impaired by engaging an external expert.
C. The external expert could have a prior relationship with the audit client.
D. The expert should be directed by the objectives and scope of work.
Answer: A

0 belongs to any of them

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IIA-CIA-Part2 Practice Exam Q&A: 481 Updated: February 21,2025

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Certified Internal


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