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Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate VNX100 Latest Study Materials For Passing

Nov 03,2022

You can have the quick and the easiest way to prepare for the VNX100 Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate certification exam with Killtest VNX100 study materials. We have the latest VNX100 practice exam covering each Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate exam objective to help you practice all questions and answers for good preparation. The VNX100 study materials of Killtest are taken by the experienced specialists who have glanced through the latest Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate VNX100 exam plan thoroughly. 

Latest VNX100 Study Materials Features | Killtest

Exam Code: VNX100

Exam Name: Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate

Exam Version: V8.02

Exam Vendor: Versa Networks

Exam Q&As: 60

Exam Formats: PDF + Software

Free Update: One Year Free Update

Guarantee Policy: We guarantee your 100% passing ratio, if fail, we will refund the money back.

Killtest wants to ace the Versa Networks VNX100 exam preparation and success journey simple, quick, and smart. To achieve this objective the Killtest has already added some high-in-demand and important features in Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate VNX100 study materials. These Versa Networks Certification VNX100 exam questions feature surely will help you to ace your Versa Networks Certification VNX100 exam preparation and enable you to perform well in the final Versa Networks Certification VNX100 exam.

VNX100 Latest Study Materials

What is the Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate (VNX100) exam?

The Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate (VNX100) exam is provided by the Versa Networks. Versa Networks is committed to providing you with the opportunity to receive industry recognition for your efforts and skills. The industry recognized certification of Versa Networks provides the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills through an independent testing and credentialing system. The Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate (VNX100) is a specialized level exam, which is intended for engineers who design, optimize performance of, administer, manage, troubleshoot, and support secure SD-WAN services on Versa Networks platforms. The Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate (VNX100) exam is a 60-multiple-choice-question exam answering in 90 mins. Candidates need to register this exam at Kryterion. 

VNX100 Exam Scope

Check VNX100 Exam Demo Questions Online To Verify The Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate VNX100 Latest Study Materials

Get a great deal of advantages from Killtest and realize 100% outcomes by utilizing our most recent and advanced VNX100 study materials. The Versa Networks VNX100 exam questions are well organized so you'll be able to easily obtain each of the most effective outcomes inside the Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate certification. Prepare with Versa Networks VNX100 practice exam you may understand the VNX100 Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate exam according to strategy. We here have the VNX100 exam demo questions online to help you verify the Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate VNX100 latest study materials.

A customer has a site activation planned using script-based provisioning; however, while unboxing the SD-WAN CPE, the engineer notices that the console cable is missing.

In this scenario, what would an engineer do to initiate the script-based provisioning?

A. Connect a laptop to any LAN port on the device.

B. Connect a laptop to any WAN port on the device.

C. Connect a laptop to the management port on the device.

D. Connect a laptop to the auxiliary port on the device.

Answer: C

What are two ways that a service template would be used? (Choose two.)

A. as a post-staging template for multiple CPEs

B. to apply an identical QoS configuration to multiple CPEs

C. to apply a non-identical service configuration to multiple CPEs

D. to share an identical service configuration across tenants

Answer: B,D

Which three components of Versa solution use the Versa Operating System? (Choose three.)

A. Versa Director

B. Versa Controller

C. Versa Analytics


E. Versa SD-WAN Gateway

Answer: B,D,E

A device is being onboarded with two Internet interfaces. Direct Internet Access (DIA) needs to be configured.

In this scenario, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)

A. All underlay interfaces belong to the same VR instance.

B. Each underlay interface belongs to its own VR instance.

C. Both Internet interfaces can be selected for DIA in workflows.

D. Only one Internet interface can be selected for DIA in workflows.

Answer: B,C

By default, when configuring DIA through workflows, which protocol runs between the tvi interfaces connecting an Internet VR with the LAN VRF?

A. static routing




Answer: C

What are two node personalities in a Versa Analytics cluster? (Choose two.)

A. Controller

B. Search

C. Analytics

D. Gateway

Answer: B,D

You are asked to implement a third-party application server as a virtual machine on Versa CPE.

In this scenario, which template would you use to accomplish this task?

A. Stateful Firewall Template

B. Common Template

C. Application Steering Template

D. Service Chain Tempplate

Answer: C

Which two components are part of Versa Secure SD-WAN Head-end? (Choose two.)

A. Versa Director

B. Versa Hub

C. Versa Gateway

D. Versa Analytics

Answer: A,D

Which statement about a Versa spoke-to-hub-only topology is true?

A. Spoke devices can send traffic to other spokes through the hub.

B. Spoke devices can send traffic to other spokes directly.

C. Spoke devices can send traffic to other spokes through the controller.

D. Spoke devices can send traffic only to networks behind the hub.

Answer: D

A customer has a singleVersa Analytics cluster deployed in a data center. The Versa Director and Versa Controller nodes are distributed between the data center and the disaster recovery sites. The data center goes down for one day.

In this scenario, which statement is true?

A. SD-WAN CPE live monitoring will be lost during the one-day downtime.

B. New SD-WAN CPE cannot be deployed during the one-day downtime.

C. Reachability between SD-WAN CPE will be lost during the one-day downtime.

D. Logging and reporting will be lost duringthe one-day downtime.

Answer: D

0 belongs to any of them

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VNX100 Practice Exam Q&A: 60 Updated: February 21,2025

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